OUTDOOR MUSEUM KOLOVRAT – documentary photography
Kolovrat – an outdoor museum of First World War, which was part of Italian defensive line “linea d’armata” between Upper Posočje and Venetian.
In presentation we represented part of defensive line on location Kolovrat, as part of Slovenian history in times of First World War. With insight into trenches, which were formed at that time, we tried to recreate the insight on that time condtitions. We wanted to emphasize dramatic of the place with use of black and white technic, at the same time, we used given weather conditions.
Photographing conditions: cloudy, rainy and windy
Shooting time: early morning
Ridge Kolovrat is tansient area between Upper Posočje, which is located on Slovenian side, and Venetian on Italian side. Museum is located on lookout part of ridge Kolovrat and is part of Walk of peace, which connects remains of 1st World War. In this area, the Italian army built extensive system of third defensive line, namend ”linea d’armata”. At the beginning of the fights, it seems to be invincible opsticale, but German soldier managed to take it anyway on the first day of last, 12th Soča front on October 24th 1917. Here we can see command and observation sites, machine gun and artillery positions, caverns and a network of shooting and connectiong ditches. For the preparation of the museum they in majority used original material, which was used in time of war (metal meshes for consolidating the banks, corrugated sheets, stone shields, …). Mueseum its self also streches to the Italian side.
The ourdoor museum Kolovrat is not just part of world, but also Slovenian history, which represents times of the worst fighting of First World War. It is preserved part of history, which reminds us of the horrors of that time, what should never happen.