In frame of graphical design we also face with 3D design challenges, from small simple objects to large detailed objects. We can recreate your logotype in 3D technique or other graphical elements. Modelling of spaces, objects, parks or other spaces – all from small element to the large one. Modelling according to agreement, sketches, plans, ground plan, image or any other was. We also create 3D models for 3D print or any other use. We try to input as much live an reality into final shape, this is why every small detail is important.

Creation of various 3D objects, all to the smallest detail, to inspire life to the object and for as real as possible reality image. 3D modelling of logotypes, prototypes, individual objects for presentation infront of the costumers, objects for promotion or any other use.
Object is created according to your wishes, sketches, images or other materials. Together we will define complete shape of the object, which is later created according to the agreement. Creation with individual phases, that final object will look as you wished.
Write us your wishes, and we will recreate the object. 3D modelling can be combined with creation of application for smart devices with use of augmented reality, modelling for virtual reality or modelling for final 3D render for use on the internet, in catalogue, magazine or somewhere else. We help you in best light represent your object, which is meant for your costumers.

Creation of various spaces – offices, living rooms, kitchen, children’s room, bedroom or any other space (interior spaces) or parks, urban spaces, neighbourhoods and other (exterior spaces). We can recreate entire houses, hotels or any other buildings you need at your work. All together, then we place according to the chosen urban area.
Recreaction of objects accordint to plans, floorplans, scetches, images or other material. We also fully equip the spaces, make textures and lightning. According to wishes we create models for 3D renders, augmented reality, virtual reality or animation.
In cooperation with you we prepair entire architectual area, wether they are interinal or external spaces. After meeting and according to our agreement of appereance we prepair entire 3D enviroment as you wished, which can be later represented to your costumers.

As previously mentioned we create variuos 3D objects, buildings and other spaces for use in virtual reality or in application with augmented reality. You can offer your costumers something more, or augmented content or immersion into virtual environment.
Write us your wishes, and we will prepair an offer for you, we can also give life to your objects with animation. Opening, closing, moving, flying, falling or other options of interactivity on demand.

Creating 3D models – packaging and bottle, animation, 3D render and preparation for Adobe After Effect.
Web page: unresistible.com